Raising Funds
We have a variety of initiatives through which we raise funds for our cause:
- Members give regularly and sacrificially to support the ministry of the churches (see the “Finances” link above for more information). This is our single greatest source of income.
- Special appeals for particular needs, e.g. church building projects (Hunsdon internal decoration, 2006; Widford Tower restoration – 2015) or the Gift Day held in 2011 to provide money towards the provision of school-leavers’ Bibles and resources for children.
- Events, including concerts, Harvest Lunches and Suppers and various sales. (Organising these events takes time and talent. If you could help, please have a look at our “Talents” page.)
- A relationship with Give-A-Little which means we can receive online donations.
- An active “Gift Aid” campaign to maximise all donations.