Our Mission

Knowing Christ and Making Him Known

Our benefice Mission Statement is that we aim to Know Christ and Make Him Known.

The Apostle Paul wrote “I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Jesus Christ, my Lord.”  (Philippians 3:8)  The churches of the benefice want to know more of Jesus and his love, but not to keep for themselves.  By word and deed, in big ways and in small, the churches attempt to make known Jesus’ love to the communities which they serve.

Knowing Christ

We are committed to growing in knowledge of Christ by reading and studying the Bible together on Sundays and midweek through our 7Days programme.

We are determined that our knowledge of Christ should not remain merely intellectual.  We want to allow God’s Word to challenge and transform our hearts that we might entrust ourselves more and more to Jesus and lean on God rather than our own strength and understanding.

This aspect of our mission is closely tied to the first strand of the Diocesan Vision, Living God’s Love, namely, “Going Deeper Into God.”

Making Him Known

Jesus is good news, so we don’t want to keep him a secret.  We are committed to passing on our knowledge of him and the benefits we have received from him to our friends, families and neighbours.

This aspect of our mission is closely tied to the other strands of the Diocesan Vision, Living God’s Love, namely, “Transforming Communities” and “Making New Disciples.”

Where we are…

Each of the churches serve different communities. The way our mission is expressed in each of those communities is therefore different. Please see the individual parish websites for detailed information.