
We have a couple of options for people who have questions about God or spirituality or life in general.

Christianity Explored

Held at Hunsdon Rectory or in the home of a church member, this is a series of discussions over a few weeks which covers the basics of Christian faith. It is suitable for anyone who has questions and is just “exploring”, or established Christians who would like a “refresher”.

Normally beginning with a substantial evening meal, the course is based around a series of lively well-produced presentations on DVD, followed by discussion of the major issues raised on the DVD.  We also spend some time each week looking at a short passage from the Bible, which is, after all, the key book for the Christian faith.  We assume that course participants have no knowledge of the Bible, so don’t let this put you off!

Whether you have deep questions about Christianity, or are merely curious, this could satisfy your thirst!  We won’t ask you to pray, sing, or read aloud, and you can ask any question you want.

We meet at 7:15pm to eat at 7:30pm and we finish by 9:30pm.

Register your interest here.


Life Explored

Happiness: we long for it and search for it, and yet it seems so hard to find – and even harder to keep.  Life Explored is all about happiness.

This is run on a similar format to Christianity Explored, except that the excellent high-quality and thought-provoking videos make up a larger part of each session so we serve light snacks rather than a meal (it’s a bit more like a film club with popcorn for added authenticity!).  Start times are flexible.

Bring your questions and your longings and discover the best gift you could ever receive…

Register your interest here.